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Bouquet Bar Menu

Create Your Bouquet

Sunshine Bouquet

A vibrant mix of sunflowers, daisies, and yellow roses, perfect for brightening any occasion.


Sunshine Bouquet

Romantic Red

A classic arrangement of red roses, complemented by lush greenery, ideal for expressing love.


Romantic Red

Whimsical Wildflower

A playful combination of seasonal wildflowers, bringing a touch of nature's charm to your event.


Whimsical Wildflower

Signature Arrangements

Elegant Evening

A sophisticated blend of white lilies, orchids, and eucalyptus, designed for formal gatherings.


Elegant Evening

Bohemian Dream

An eclectic mix of colorful blooms and textured foliage, perfect for a laid-back celebration.


Bohemian Dream

Classic Charm

Timeless arrangement of red and white roses with delicate baby's breath, suitable for any occasion.


Classic Charm

Specialty Blooms

Exotic Orchid

A stunning single stem of phalaenopsis orchid, known for its elegance and long-lasting beauty.


Exotic Orchid

Fragrant Peony

A lush peony bloom, celebrated for its rich fragrance and romantic appeal, perfect for special moments.


Fragrant Peony

Unique Protea

A striking protea flower, recognized for its bold appearance and unique texture, ideal for modern designs.


Unique Protea

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